Nana Sumbadze



Dodo Abashidze str.3                                                   Institute for Policy Studies

Tbilisi                                                                           10, Chavchavadze av. VI entr.

Georgia                                                                        Tbilisi 380028

Tel & Fax:+ 995 32 - 957392                                      Georgia

Mobile:     +995 99 - 580798                                       Tel/Fax +99532-220060; 912347                                                                               


Mailing Address:                                                          

P. O. Box 25                                                               

Tbilisi 8                                                                       






Personal data:                                    Born June 22, 1949. Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.


Education:                  1971                Tbilisi Institute of Foreign Languages. Diploma of graduation. English language.


1981                Tbilisi State University. Diploma of graduation. Psychologist.


                                    1999                Ph.D. Leiden State University (The Netherlands)


Continuous education:

1986                Client centred  psychotherapy with Carl Rogers and Ruth   Sanford.


1987                Family therapy with Virginia Satir.


1988                Client centred  psychotherapy with Ruth   Sanford.


1989                Existential psychotherapy with Rimas Kochunas.


1990                Gestalt therapy with Roy Parsons.


1990                Family therapy with Carl Whitaker.


1990                Management course with Dani Weinberg and Patricia Snipp.


1994                Management  course with Gerald and Dani Weinberg.


                                    1996               Course in software program  ”Winrelan”. Innsbruck University.



Knowledge of software programms:


                                    SPSS; Winrelan; Word; WordPerfect.



1972-1981       Tbilisi State University. Teacher’s college. Assistant.


1981-               Tbilisi State University. Department of psychology. Lecturer.


1992-1993       Tbilisi Business Centre. Personnel selection. Team leader.


1992-1994       Tbilisi Business College.  Program co-ordinator in management.


1995-1997             Leiden State University. Unit of personality psychology. Guest researcher.


1995-1998       INTAS grant in collaboration with Leiden University and City University of London.  Project: “Functioning of                                                         families in different cultures: Values, communication, interpersonal perception and health “. Research team leader.


1995-1997             NATO research fellowship. Project: “Belief system in period of transition “.


1995-1996             Gesellscaft zur Förderung persönlichkeits- und

                         sozialpsychologisher Forshung for Daimler-Benz research

            institute project: “Transportation”.  Research team



1997-1999      Gesellscaft zur Förderung persönlichkeits- und

                         sozialpsychologisher Forshung for Daimler-Benz research

                                                             institute project: “Mobility “.  Research team leader.



                                    1999-1999     Unicef. Consultant.


                        1999-2000       McArthur Foundation individual grant.Project“Adaptation

                                                          of Georgian women to economic change”.


                                    1999                INTAS grant in collaboration with Innsbruck University,

            Leiden University and Kiev University. Project “Ethical

             conflicts in medicine: a cross-cultural comparison of

             norms, attitudes, and subjective evaluations”

2000                                  TEMPUS grant in collaboration with University of Hertfordshire.Team leader for preparation  Master’s program in Health Psychology.


2000                Horizonti foundation grant for the project “Working out

                The strategy for better adaptation of people deported from South Georgia”.


2000                Short-term scholar of Kennan Institute.

2001-2002       Open Society Institute International Policy Fellowship.

2001-2002       IDEA International. Consultant


Fields of expertise:    Social-psychological research. Surveys. Focused  groups. Communication skills training groups. Analyses of  qualitative and quantitative data. Media analyses.


Teaching experience

 Courses in:

1985-               Environmental Psychology. Tbilisi State University.                               

1986-1989       Social Psychology. Tbilisi State University.


1987-               Social Cognition. Tbilisi State University.


1988-               Experimental Psychology. Tbilisi State University.


1988-                 Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. Tbilisi State  University.


1989-1990       Communication Skills. Tbilisi Business School.


1992-1994       Organisational Psychology. Tbilisi Business College.


1999                Applied social psychology


2000                Health psychology


Leading workshops:  

                                    1983-1984       Communications skills training for middle level managers. Ministry of Industry.


1985-1986       Communication skills training for middle level managers. Ministry of Agriculture.


1989-1990       Communication skills training. Tbilisi Business School.


1991                “Future workshop”. Strategic planning and change implementation . Private enterprise.


1991                Leadership training . Private enterprise.


1998                    Focus groups on measures for prevention of

                        Cardiovascular disease ( for World Bank project).


2001                The needs assessment for seeds (For ACDI  VOCA SEED Project).


2001-1999             Focus groups on the development of Samtske-Javakheti


2001-2000             Focus groups in Akhaltsikhe and Zugdidi on the development of democracy.





Sumbadze, N. (1985) Expert estimations in the study of friendship. Works of young scientists (pp.150-155). Tbilisi (in Russian).


Sumbadze, N. (1987) The main factors of interpersonal attraction. Matzne,3, 110-116.-(in Russian).


Sumbadze, N. (1987) Perceived similarity, as one of the factors of attraction in friendship. Works of young scientists ( pp.298-302). Tbilisi (in Russian).


Sumbadze, N., & .Kevanishvili, M. (1988).  Characteristic features of desired environment as conceived by children and adolescents. Abstracts of the conference of young scientists (pp.176-178) . Tbilisi (In Russian).


Sumbadze, N. (1988) Goal structure of the conception of friendship. Materials of conference. (pp.54-55) Tbilisi (in Russian).


Sumbadze, N. (1989)   Affect as the index of society's well-being. Abstracts. IX meeting of      psychologists from the Denubian countries ( p.72). Poljce.


Sumbadze, N.,  Berishvili, G., &  and.Tarkhan-Mouravi, G. (1989). Social-psychological features of the conception of friendship. Abstracts. VII conference of psychologists of           USSR ( pp.124-125). Moscow (in Russian).


Sumbadze, N. (1990). Stress and life events. Kalta, special issue, 11 (in Georgian) .


Sumbadze, N. (1991). Time management. Kalta,1, 7 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1991). Remember well. Kalta,2, 7 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1991). Loneliness. Kalta, 3, 9 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1991). Type “A” and type “B”. Kalta ,4, 19 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1992). Twenty minutes against stress. Kalta,1, 13 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1992). Body language. Kalta,2, 8 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1992). What is a handshake saying?. Kalta,3, 13 ( in Georgian).


Sumbadze,N., & Belkania, N. (1992). Attitude of youth towards Abkhazian war. 7 Days, (in Georgian)


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Basic principles of business. Business Courier, 10, 11 (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Forms of ownership in business. Business Courier, 11, 10 (in Georgian).

Sumbadze, N. (1993). The process of management. Business Courier, 12, 10 (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N., & Belkania, N.  (1993). Leadership. Business Courier, 13, 7 (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Structure of organisation. Business Courier, 14, 6  (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Motivation. Business Courier, 15, 7 (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Human resource management. Business Courier, 16, 12  (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Process of production and service. Business Courier, 17, 11 (in Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Marketing. Business Courier, 19, 10 (in Georgian).


Hentschel, U., Sumbadze, N., Sadzaglishvili, Sh., Mamulashvili, M., & Ulumberashvili, SH. (1996). Defensive and affective-emotional reactions to war: The Abkhazian war as reflected in people’s subjective reactions. Psychological Reports, 74, 135-143.          


Sumbadze, N., Hentschel, U., & Bijleveld, C. (1996). The estimation of relationships by means of relational grid.  Leiden Psychological Reports. Personality Psychology, No. 2.


Hentschel, U.,  Kolling, J., & Sumbadze, N.  (1997). Influence of culture and gender on children’s drawings: An explorative study in experimental aesthetics. Musikometrica, 8, 120-141.


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Friendship in adulthood: Difference in male and female friendships. Works

            of young  psychologists. p.143-151. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press (In Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1998). On planning of effective preventive measures of the risk-factors of

            Cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases. Proceedings

            of scientific-practical conference. p.36. Tbilisi. (In Georgian).


Sumbadze, N. (1999). Social sciences and civic society. Discussion Paper series. Tbilisi:

            United Nations Development Programme.


Sumbadze, N. (1999). Social web: Friendships of adult men and women. Leiden University:DSWO Press



Sumbadze, N., Hentschel, U., & Bijleveld, C. C.J.H. (2000). The estimation of

            relationships by means of the relational grid. Georgian Psychological Journal, 2, 41-60.

             (In Georgian).


Hentschel,U., Sumbadze, N., &.Shubladze, S.(2000). The effect of the general I-E locus of control conviction on remembering and planning one’s life: Individual differences in life event reports of Georgian respondents. Social Behavior and Personality, 28 (6), 443-454.


 Sumbadze, N. (2000). Construction of causal and conditional networks by GABEK. In R. Buber & J. Zelger (Eds). Gabek II. Innsbruck-Wien: Studien Verlag. p.301-314.


Forestry Development Project: Social Assessment. Report by Georgian public opinion and marketing research association. (2000).  Tbilisi: Nekeri.


Sumbadze, N., Dolidze, K., & Kvartskava, R.  (2000). Ethical problems in medicine: the situation

            in Georgia. Abstracts of 3. International GABEK-Symposium. University of Innsbruck.

            Preprint Nr. 61. September, 2000.


Hentschel. U., & Sumbadze, N. (2000). The labour market, education, and personnel selection.

            Proceedings of the  Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology. Cologne,

            October, 2000.  


Sumbadze, N. (2000). Social schema. Georgian Psychological Journal, 3, 41-60. (In Georgian).  

Sumbadze,N. (2000). Self-disclosure as the mechanism for deepening relationship. In

            M.Magradze (Ed.). Psychological Investigations. Kutaisi: University press.

            pp-92-101. (In Georgian).  


Women and Children in Georgia: A Situation Analysis. UNICEF. Tbilisi (2001)


Sumbadze, N., & Kitiashvili, A. (2001). Pupils, cigarettes, evaluations. “Dilis Gazeti”. June, 23. (In Georgian).  



Sumbadze, N., & Tarkhan-Mouravi, G. (2001). Democratic value orientations and political

            culture in Georgia. NISPAcee Occassional Papers in Public Administration and Public

            Policy. Vol. II, No3. pp.3-43.


Sumbadze,N. (2001). Attribution style and adaptation of women to new economic realities.

            Matrials of Uznadze International conference. p.137-139. (In Georgian).  


Hentschel, U., Sumbadze, N. & Schoon, I. (2001). Looking at families from a cross-cultural

              perspective. In: U. Hentschel, & L. Burlatchuk (Eds.). Focus Eastern Europe. Psychological

              and social determinants of behaviour in the transition countries (pp.155-172). Innsbruck:



Sumbadze, N., Hentschel, U. & Bijleveld, C. (2001) The estimation of relationships by means of the

               Relation-Grid. In: U. Hentschel, & L. Burlatchuk (Eds.). Focus Eastern Europe.

              Psychological and social determinants of behaviour in the transition countries (pp.).

              Innsbruck: StudienVerlag.


Hentschel, U. & Sumbadze, N. (2001) The labour market, education, and personnel selection . In J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw & P. Schmidt (Eds.). Social science methodology in the new millennium. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (2nd edition). Leverkusen: Leske & Budrich. (on CD-Rom).


Sumbadze, N. & Tarkhan-Mouravi, G. (2001). Settlement of repatriated Meskhetians and the

            attitude of local population toward them .  Problems of Repatriation, Rehabilitation and

            Integration of Deported Meskhetians. Materials of the Second Conference. December 19-20, Tbilisi (In Georgian and Russian).


Hentschel, U. & Sumbadze, N. (2002) Individual differences  in mindscapes and

attitudes. Social Behavior and Personality, 30.


CIPDD. (2002).Muslim Population of Southern Georgia: Challenges of Repatriation. In Ethnic-

Confessional Groups and Challenges to Civic Integration in Georgia. Tbilisi.


CENN Seminar (2002). Social Assessment in EIA. In  Proceedings: Environmental Impact

 Assessment. p.45. In English and Russian.


Sumbadze, N., & Kitiashvili, A. (2002). Pupil’s attitude towards smoking. Georgian Journal  of

 Psychology, 5. pp.41-52.


Sumbadze, N., Pirtskalava, E., & Hentshhel, U. (2002).The congruence of the perception of 

family members and factors determining it. In Caucassian Messenger, No.6. pp.198-206.

(In  Georgian).


Sumbadze, N., & Tarkhan-Mouravi, G. (2003). Panel survey of Georgia’s population:

October, 2002. IPS: Tbilisi. (In English and in Georgian).






Sumbadze, N. (1988)   The effect of national disaster on the mood of population. (Unpublished report).


Sumbadze, N. (1991) Results of the national survey on evaluation of candidates for the presidency of    Georgia. (Unpublished report).


Sumbadze, N. (1992)   Attitude of youth toward criminality and the measures of combating it.    (Unpublished report).


Sumbadze, N., & Belkania, N. (1993). How is business done in Georgia. (Unpublished report).


Sumbadze, N. (1997). Belief system in period of transition (Final report submitted to                 NATO).


Sumbadze, N., Kiessling, M., & Hentschel, U. (1997). GPS project “Alternative usage of

 cars. Attitudes, preferences, and problems in cross-cultural comparison” for

“Forschungsinstitute der  Daimler-Benz  AG, Berlin” . (Report).


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Media content analyses on legal issues. (Report submitted to Ariel Cohen

            & Associates for the World Bank project).


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Access to political information and civic society . Report submitted to

            United Nations Development Programme-Georgia.


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Media on prevention of cardiovascular diseases. (Report submitted to

            World Bank).


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Measures for prevention of cardiovascular diseases.  (Report on focus

            groups submitted to World Bank).


Sumbadze, N. (1999). Report on participation of children and women for “Women and children

             in Georgia: Situational analysis” Report submitted to UNICEF.


Sumbadze, N. et al.  (2000). Forestry management social assessment (Report submitted to

            GORBI for the World Bank project).


Sumbadze, N. (2000). Public participation plan for forests development project (Report submitted

            to GORBI for the World Bank project).


Sumbadze; N. (2000). Public consultation for the environmental assessment of the “Irrigation and

            Drainage  Community Development Project”. Report submitted to International

            Resource Management for the World Bank project.


Sumbadze, N. (2001). Adaptation of Georgian Women to Economic Change. Report submitted

            to MacArthur Foundation. 


Sumbadze, N & Hentschel U. (2001) Attitudes toward different aspects of mobility in a cross-cultural context. External report for the Daimler-Benz AG, Berlin. Mainz: GPS. (205 pages).


Sumbadze, N. (2002). Problems of repatriation of Muslim Population of Southern Georgia. Policy paper presented to IPF program of Open Society Institute-Budapest.


Sumbadze N. (2002). Rural non-farm economy: Georgia. Report  for the World Bank project.





Sumbadze, N. (1988)   On the perception of person oriented group psychotherapy. Paper presented at 10th conference of Caucassian psychologists, Tbilisi, April, 1988.


Sumbadze, N. (1988). Goal structure of the conception of friendship relations. Paper presented at the Tbilisi University conference, Tbilisi. May, 1988.


Sumbadze, N. (1988). On external factors of intimate interpersonal relationships. Paper presented at the conference, Telavi, May, 1988.


Sumbadze, N., & Belkania, N.  (1989).  Effectiveness of local council. Report on public opinion survey. Presented on annual convention of local council. Tbilisi, January,                         1989.

Sumbadze, N. (1989). Social space of the adult. Paper presented at 11th conference of  Caucassian psychologists, Erevan, February, 1987.


Sumbadze, N. (1989)   Interpersonal relations as the basis of cross-national relations. Paper presented at 2nd conference on the problems of cross-national relations.Tbilisi, March 1989.  

Sumbadze, N., & Japaridze, B. (1990). The affective state: a reaction to national disaster. Paper presented at 8th  conference of psychologists of Baltic Republics.Vilnius,  January, 1990.


Sumbadze, N., (1991). Friendship among other close relationships. Lecture presented at Middlesex University, department of health psychology.


Hentschel, U.,  Kolling, J., & Sumbadze, N. (1992). “Aesthetische Reprasentationen von Objekten der Alltagsumwelt am Beispiel des LKW in Kinderzeichungen. Paper               presented at the AInternational Association for Aesthetics: 12th International Congress,             Berlin, July 1992.


Sumbadze, N., (1992). Social world of adults. Lecture presented at Leiden University, unit of    personality psychology.


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Affective state and defence mechanisms among the soldiers. Lecture presented at Leiden University, unit of personality psychology.


Sumbadze, N. (1993). Dynamics of the importance of family relationships in adulthood. Paper presented at the conference dedicated to 70th anniversary of Tbilisi State University. Tbilisi, May, 1993.


Hentschel, U.,  Kolling, J., & Sumbadze, N. (1994). De (persoonlijkheids) psychologische       

            waarde van kindertekeningen (The psychological value of children’s drawings). Paper presented at the symposium “Een nieuwe kijk op kinderkunst” (A new look at children’s art) organized by the “Centrum voor Kunstzinnige Vorming De Blauwe Stoep”, Leeuwarden, May, 1994.


Sumbadze, N. (1994). Importance of personality similarity on the congruent perception of relationship. Lecture presented at Leiden University, unit of personality psychology.


Hentschel, U., Sumbadze, N., Sadzaglishvili, Sh., Mamulashvili, M., & Ulumberashvili, SH. (1994). Affective-emotional reactions to Abkhazian conflict in Georgia. Poster              presented at the 102nd Annual Convention of the APA, Los Angeles, August, 1994.


Sumbadze, N. (1995).Some examples of measurement of affective states by Gottschalk-Glazer technique. Seminar at Leiden University, unit of personality psychology.


Sumbadze, N., Hentschel, U., & Witkamp, M. (1996). Cultural differences in self-reported life events of the past as predictors for planned actions in the future. Poster presented at      the 40th Kongess der Deutchen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie, Munchen, September, 1996.


Sumbadze, N. (1997). Cross-cultural differences in the perception of close relationships. INTAS conference. Moscow, April, 1997.


Sumbadze, N. (1998).  Reliance on kin and friends in Dutch and Georgian families. INTAS  conference. Kiev, June, 1998.


Dolidze, K & Sumbadze, N. (1998). Self-image of surgical CHD children. The 12th conference

            Of  the European Health Psychology Society. Vienna, August-September, 1998.


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Construction of causal and conditional networks by GABEK. 2-nd

            International GABEK Symposium. Sterzing, September, 1998.


Sumbadze, N. and Tataradze, R. (1998). Media coverage of cardiovascular disease in the

            Republic of Georgia. Schweitzer Regional conference “The role of media in health care”

            Budapest, October, 1998.


Sumbadze, N. (1998). Coverage of health problems in Georgian mass media. Conference of

            Georgian Medical Association on  “Reform of health system”. Tbilisi, December, 1998.


Sumbadze, N. (1998). On planning of effective preventive measures of the risk-factors of

            Cardiovascular diseases.  Conference of Ministry of Health of Georgia “ Epidemiology

            and prevention of chronic diseases”. Tbilisi, December, 1998.


Sumbadze, N., &  Kitiashvili, A. (1999). Attitude of  pupils towards smoking. Ministry of Health

            of  Georgia and UNICEF conference “Health Promotion. For healthy youth and healthy

            future” Tbilisi, May 1999.


Sumbadze, N., & Hentshel, U. (1999). Involvement in national tragedy and its consequence on

            affective-emotional state. “Society and psychological support”. Tbilisi, Auguest 1999.


Sumbadze, N. (2000). Political participation in transient society: case of Georgia. Presented

            in  Kennan Institute seminar. June, 2000. Washington, DC.


Sumbadze, N., Dolidze, K., & Kvartskava, R.  (2000). Ethical problems in medicine: the situation in Georgia. Paper presented at 3 International GABEK-Symposium. Sterzing, Italy. September, 2000.


Hentschel. U., & Sumbadze, N. (2000). The labour market, education, and personnel selection.

            Paper presented on Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology. Cologne, October, 2000.  


Sumbadze, N. (2000). New role of women in the period of economic changes in Georgia. Lecture presented at the research seminar of psychology department at University of     Hertfordshire, U.K. December, 2000.


Sumbadze, N. (2001). Social sciences in Georgia. Paper presented at International Regional

            Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the Southern Caucasus,. Tbilisi, 9-10 April, 2001.


Tarkhan-Mouravi, G., & Sumbadze, N. (2001). Poverty and anti-poverty measures in Georgia:

            Actors, Approaches and Trends. Paper presented  at RC 19 conference of International

            Sociological Association  “Old and New Social Inequalities and Social Policy” in Oviedo, Spain.


Sumbadze, N., & Tarkhan-Mouravi, G. (2001). Repatriation and Adaptation of Georgia’s

             Meskhetians: Society and State in Supra-National Context. Paper presented  at RC 19

            conference of International Sociological Association  “Old and New Social Inequalities

            and Social Policy” in Oviedo, Spain.